
A Quick Little Post.

East 185th and Cherokee seen from inside Gus’s Diner East 185th.

I was asked by someone Friday if I was going to do something on this blog so here it is. To be honest, I don’t know what would be a good topic that would not be at the same time divisive…or taken up by another blog.

While almost all the snow has melted, definitely here in my neighborhood, it is now like early March, cloudy with fog and drizzle earlier in the day. Still, it’s a far cry from the wind chills in teens that we had Tuesday night (and most likely zapped all the power in my car battery the next morning). In fact, the highs for the week will be in the upper thirties to low to mid forties; more like St. Patrick’s Day than soon to be Christmas, but I sure will take it.

I will also take the fact that I can now drive down East 185th St. to get on the freeway to go to the job in the morning again. Walking up to the corner Saturday morning, I was happy to see no more road crews or barrels. This will help the businesses on the street that’s for sure. However, the waitress at Gus’ wondered this morning when will there be decorations on the street. I actually wonder who would be responsible for that. After all, there was a merchant’s association on the street but then again we also at one time had a real development corporation here that took care of such things too. At least things are quiet in this neighborhood, or so it seems.

I just saw my stats and, so far, five people have viewed this blog this month. Not bad considering so far I have been writing nothing but gibberish.

Photograph by James Valentino.


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