
Another Christmas

The weather is a whole lot better than it was last year when it was 14 degrees Fahrenheit here in Cleveland. It only dawned on me yesterday, when I was out for Christmas Eve in Mentor, that I stayed home a year ago because of the weather. Now, instead of one busy Christmas Day I had a hectic Christmas Eve but it all worked out and I even took a walk up the street this morning to enjoy the weather. By New Year’s things will be back to to normal but still highs in the thirties and no snow storms is still quite good for here.

So far, things seemed rather quiet around East 185th. I walked up the street and was happy to see everything closed for the holidays, on purpose. There was a time that everything was closed on a holiday but as we all know (especially on Thanksgiving) that is certainly not the case. It was a nice day to celebrate Christmas with people you know (or barely know) and no longer having to worry about buying gifts for another ten months. Now, we all have to figure out how to pay off the bills for those that were just bought. However, that is something to figure out next year.

Merry Christmas from Mad Man On A Great Lake.


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