
Just Some Thoughts.

It’s been awhile since I have written on this blog. Every time I think of something to do on this something else happens; and I can’t always use my cat meowing for me to get into the living room as an excuse. Well, so goes life, one has to work, take care of things, see doctors, and then well…do something fun that means not being on this computer.

And, I am on this computer, it is working on a few other things. Hey, it’s not like I am working on something for the City of Cleveland or Cleveland State University.

There will be a Writer’s Conference in my area soon that I am thinking about attending, having missed the one last year since it was snowing then. However, if the weather is like it is today, I should have no trouble driving up the Euclid Creek Reservation to get to that thing. I also saw when the next American Planning Association Workshop will be held this year, in Willoughby which would be very nice for me.

Of course, these fall now in the categories of ‘hobbies’ versus actual careers.

Anyway, since my eyes were not dilated by five I did manage to attend the Neighborhood Watch meeting. I did my duty, one has to at least put a presence at some of these things no matter how painful they tend to be. Councilman Polensek was not there, being in DC with so many of his colleagues for that annual conference, but some running for offices this cycle did stop by. I stayed for Terrence Upchurch to speak since he is a pretty good guy but then got the heck out of there. It is quite hard doing things like that after work, even though today I just happened to spent most of my morning at the doctors. You have to feel that you are contributing something positive, and getting something back in return, for clubs, organizations, even social clubs. It’s really hard for me to see how I fit in such things to be honest.

Yet, this is still a good neighborhood, if we only had a real development corporation again. I also managed to mail in my absentee ballot a few days ago. Yes, voting matters, and I hope that levy gets renewed and my candidates, such as President Joseph Biden and I must admit Sherrod Brown despite everything, get re-elected in November. My idealism isn’t entirely squashed; nor many others.

I think it will be a beautiful sunset.


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